After years of competitive athletics - 11 in gymnastics, 4 in cross-country running, and 4 in NCAA DIII track & field - I found myself in a near constant cycle of reinjury. I was used to being rewarded for pushing my body beyond its limits. As my competitive athletic career came to an end in 2015, my body was rebelling. Movement practices that were once spirited with play and empowerment became painful and disillusioning.

I began to engage with yoga as a way to repair my mind-body relationship. Through alignment-focused classes at JPCY, I started to learn to engage with my body in a nurturing way. Yoga has given me a space to listen to and reacquaint with my body. Through practicing asana I find that I am strengthening my intuition and curiosity; two important elements of living a creative and enriching life.

I admire teachers who value alignment, breathwork, and the feel of a pose as opposed to an obsession with its shape. I hope to hold a space that inspires students to breathe, connect, challenge, and respect their bodies and themselves.

Katie’s Upcoming Classes