I’m a multidisciplinary spiritual teacher with over 15 years experience helping people find healing and clarity within their lives. Within the realm of my healing practice, I am a Certified Ayurvedic Counsellor, Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher, Jikiden Reiki Shihan-Kaku (Teacher), and Master Hypnotherapist.

I have taught in Jamaica, Aruba, Trinidad & Tobago, Bermuda, the United States (Puerto Rico, New Mexico, California, Louisiana, Montana), Vancouver (Canada), London (U.K), and Ibiza (Spain).

I seek to share authenticity, integrity, and love in my teaching and consultative practice, and guide everyone I work with to their most embodied sense of self-mastery, healing, and joy. I continue to be mentored by the most esteemed teachers in the world in my various fields of practice and share their collective wealth of wisdom to my students both in The Bahamas and around the world.

What You Can Expect From My Classes

My classes explore the Iyengar method of building a powerful yoga practice based on timeless foundational principles. Together we’ll explore how to unblock chronic areas of physical tightness (knees, hips, back, neck, and shoulders) through intelligent sequencing that will give us greater overall flexibility and freedom. You will also learn when utilizing props can build a sustainable self-practice to rely on for many years to come.

Mychal’s Upcoming Classes