I have spent nearly half of my life reverently exploring an expanse of yogic and spiritual wisdom. After a dear friend left their body suddenly at a young age, my narrowed mind couldn’t fathom how I could still feel them so strongly. I’ve since been on a lifelong journey of coming home to the soul and guiding others along the way. 

I consider myself a master of nothing and a humble and dedicated student of -one may argue- too many things. I venture down the path with a deep bow and a cosmic giggle,  honoring anything that brings me closer to truth, love and compassion and helps to merge the sacred with the mundane. 

I honor the ancient teachings by not extracting and disseminating but by openly receiving, digesting and offering out. What’s come through thus far is what has influenced my teaching: Quiet down enough to see through the veils of separateness (Buddhist psychology and meditation), dismantle the fortress of protection around the heart and let it open wide (bhakti yoga, Sufi mysticism), purify the system so the Divine may express through the individual and propel compassionate, dharmic action in the world (tantra yoga, karma yoga). 

I am committed to creating loving, inclusive practices and community. Along with teaching yoga and mediation I also offer support to birthing people, have over 1000 hours of bodywork training, and bake a mediocre sourdough loaf. I love teaching and being with sangha and feel immensely grateful to have received the wisdom that has been passed to me so I may channel it through. 

Brenna’s Upcoming Classes