I am an experienced organizer, facilitator, and yoga teacher. I have been leading BIPOC-centered wellness spaces since 2014, founding Hive Soul Yoga, a community wellness business, and co-founding the Yoga Diversity Initiative, a scholarship and mentorship program for yoga practitioners of color seeking to become teachers. My background also includes national recognition for serving on the leadership team of the Yoga and Body Image Coalition and being published in the Yoga and Body Image anthology.

I hold a BA from Goddard College in VT, where my scholarship focused on the intersections of race, identity, culture, and critical thinking. My teaching pedagogy is deeply influenced by my commitment to social justice, aiming to make yoga accessible to people of all shades, sizes, ages, abilities, and identities. 

Bringing yoga to underserved communities and creating collective spaces for healing are my greatest passions. I’ve had the privilege of teaching in studios, community centers, youth correctional facilities, and colleges across the country. When not teaching yoga, I am training for my next 10k, facilitating workshops on healing justice and health equity, and organizing with the Stinging Nettles Bruja Collective.

What You Can Expect From My Classes

Whether you are new to yoga or a seasoned practitioner, my aim is to make you feel welcomed and empowered. Expect a dynamic and invitational Vinyasa flow that encourages self-empowerment and positive self-talk. You will both be challenged to build some heat and honor your limits. Expect to leave feeling energized, grounded, and connected to your power.

Chanelle’s Upcoming Classes